Amended: October 28, 2012
Section A
The name of the organization shall be “New York Association of Black Psychologists, Incorporated” here in after referred to as NYABPsi and the Association.
The purpose of the NYABPsi shall be those listed in this Article:
- To unite Black psychologists in the New York metropolitan area in order to promote psychology as a profession, in affiliation with regional, national and international Black psychology associations.
- To establish and maintain high standards of proficiency, service, professional and ethical conduct and training in the public interest and welfare—particularly in the Black community’s interest and welfare.
- To promote freedom of Black scientific inquiry, teaching, and professional practice.
- To develop concepts, theories, philosophies, principles, and programs to enhance the practice of psychology by Black psychologists in the Black community.
- To inform and educate the public as to the professional, social and other service roles of Black psychologists.
- To collaborate with other professional and civic organizations to effectively plan and implement culturally appropriate mental health services and to educate the public about Black psychological constructs and treatment modalities.
Article III
Persons admitted to membership in NYABPsi are to meet the requirements listed below in addition to the basic membership requirements:
- Subscribe to the purposes of NYABPsi.
- Reside or work in the New York metropolitan area.
- Maintain appropriate standards of ethics in professional conduct as set forth herein after by NYABPsi and by the Association of Black Psychologists.
- Be approved for membership in the NYABPsi as set forth below in the bylaws.
- Be a member in good standing of the ABPsi, as set forth in Article IV, Section 1 of the Bylaws of the Association of Black Psychologists.
Powers, Duties, Composition and Qualifications
Section A
The Board of Directors of the NYABPsi shall be the administrative and executive body of the Association and shall exercise general supervision and control over the property, business and other affairs of the NYABPsi. All Directors of the NYABPsi shall be members in good standing of NYABPsi as described in Article VI, Section H of the Bylaws. Members of the Board of Directors are expected to chair or co-chair a committee, and to participate actively in fund raising activities.
Section B
The Board of Directors of the NYABPsi shall consist of the President, the President-Elect, the Immediate Past President, the Corresponding Secretary, the Recording Secretary and the Treasurer, as officers of the NYABPsi, and fourteen members-at-large of NYABPsi, elected by members of the NYABPsi for one-year, and two-year terms. Four members of the Board shall be students – two undergraduate and two graduate. A rotational method shall be established for the election of the members-at-large of the Board, to insure that no more than five members shall be elected to the Board in any one year.
Qualifications, Terms of Office, Duties, Succession and Removal
Section A – Qualifications
The officers of NYABPsi shall be a President, a President Elect, the Immediate Past-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. All officers of the NYABPsi shall be members in good standing of the NYABPsi. The President shall be a member of NYABPsi as described in Article VI, Section B of the Bylaws.
Section B – Terms of Office
The terms of the office of the President, President-Elect, and Immediate Past-President shall be one year. The term of office of the Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary and the Treasurer shall be two years.
Section C – Duties
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the NYABPsi and of the Board of Directors, to countersign all contracts and other instruments affecting the affairs
of the Association, and to exercise general supervision over the affairs of the NYABPsi. She/he shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the NYABPsi. The President only shall undertake or assume the authority to act as a representative of NYABPsi, except upon authorization of the Board of Directors of the NYABPsi.
Section D – Term Limits, President
Presidential tenure shall be limited to two consecutive terms of office. There is no limit on the total number of terms.
Section E – President-Elect
It shall be the duty of the President-Elect to assume and perform the duties of the President in the event of the absence, incapacity or resignation of the President.
Section F – Immediate Past President
It shall be the duty of the Immediate Past President to serve as a regular member of the Board of Directors. He/she shall also be the ex-officio chairperson of the Committee on Nominations and Elections unless such person intends to stand for election.
Section G – Recording Secretary
It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary of the NYABPsi to keep the records of all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors, and to keep records of all other official documents and reports of the NYABPsi. In the event of the extended absence, incapacity or resignation of the Treasurer of the Association, the Secretary is authorized to sign checks or drafts upon the funds of the Association and to perform such other duties incident to the office of the Treasurer, until such time as a successor to the Treasurer shall be selected.
Section H – Corresponding Secretary
It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary to conduct, in collaboration with the President, the official correspondence of the Association, and to issue calls for and notices of meetings. The Corresponding Secretary will forward all correspondence to the Recording secretary for filing in the NYABPsi archives.
Section G – Treasurer
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to have custody of the funds of the NYABPsi. These funds shall be deposited in the name of the Association at such bank or banks, as the Board of Directors of the NYABPsi shall direct. The Treasurer shall arrange for the collection of dues and other monies due to the NYABPsi, and shall have authority to sign checks and drafts on behalf of the NYABPsi, upon authorization of the President, as provided for this Constitution and Bylaws and by action of the Board of Directors of the members of the NYABPsi in proper meeting. He/she shall have such additional duties as are described in Article IX of the Bylaws.
Section H – Officer Vacancy
In the event of a vacancy in an officer position, other than that of the President, the Board of Directors shall appoint a replacement from among the members of the Board who shall serve in the designated office until such time as his/her successor shall have been elected at the next annual election.
Section I – Removal of Officer
In the event that twenty-five percent or more of the elected Officers and Directors, or ten percent of the paid membership, shall charge in a signed petition that any elected Officer or Director has not been fulfilling his/her duties, the Board of Directors shall consider the charges at a special meeting, to which the accused Officer or Director shall be invited. A vote of four-fifths of the Officers and Directors present shall be required to impeach the Member and remove her/him from office.
Section A – Standing Committees
There shall be such Standing Committees as are authorized in this Article, and such Special Committees as may be authorized from time to time.
Section B – Program Planning and Development Committee
The Program Planning and Development Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and members appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. It shall be the function of this committee to plan and implement the programs of the Association, with the approval of the President and Board of Directors of the NYABPsi.
Section C – Membership Committee
The Membership Committee shall consist of a chairperson and members of the NYABPsi, appointed by the President with approval of the Board of Directors. It shall be the function of this Committee to implement the provisions of Article VI of the Bylaws.
Section D – Professional Affairs, Development and Training Committee
The Professional Affairs, Development and Training Committee shall consist of a chairperson and members of the NYABPsi, appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. It shall be the function of this Committee to report to the Association concerning employment and professional development and to conduct associated projects.
Section E – Legislative and Social Action Committee
The Legislative and Social Action Committee shall consist of a chairperson and members of the NYABPsi as appointed by the President and the Board of Directors. It shall be the function of this Committee to communicate with legal and social organizations and agencies in the community for the purposes of effective collaboration and coordination in the interest of the Black community and of the NYABPsi. Further, it shall be the function of this Committee to study important areas of civic and legislative influence in the community for the purpose of collaboration and coordination with other Black (and other) organizations, groups, and persons, in the interest of the Black community.
Section F – Student Circle
1. Purposes
The purposes of the Student Circle of The Association are: (a) to provide a structure for the regular input from undergraduate and graduate students, whose major or minor is in psychology (or a closely related discipline) into the governance of The Association, (b) to initiate programs beneficial to students in psychology (and closely related disciplines), (c) to enhance entry and success in graduate schools, and (d) to promote psychology as a major and profession among undergraduate and graduate students.
2. Membership
All student members of The Association, whose major or minor is psychology or a closely related discipline (e.g. counseling, social work, medicine, etc.) are automatically members of the Student Circle of The Association. Student members are encouraged to actively participate in Student Circle affairs. Student Circle membership ends on the last calendar day of each year. Students are required to renew their membership each year while they maintain at least part-time student status at a college or university.
Individual chapters of the Student Circle shall be known as: “(name of said organization) A Chapter of, The Association of Black Psychologists Student Circle.” All Professional Chapters are expected to assist with the establishment of Student Circles within their local areas. Professional Chapters are expected to affiliate with Student Circle Chapters, already present in their area. Student Circle Chapters may exist without affiliation with a Professional Chapter, when there is none in the area. Any existing psychology club, organization, association, or other group affiliated with a college campus may obtain Chapter status through the process of installation:
A. Process of Chapter Installation:
- The interested student(s) or established student organization must contact their Student Circle Regional Representatives (undergraduate and/or graduate).
- To apply for chapter installation, interested student groups must have a minimum of five student members and at least one professional advisor who is a member of The Association. If a student group cannot find a professional member or a local professional chapter does not exist, the National Regional Representative can serve as the Student Circle Chapter advisor.
- The Regional Representative or Membership Committee Co-Chairs will forward appropriate paperwork, including a Petition for Charter form, Constitution form, and Student Circle Chapters document to interested student(s) or established student organization.
- All interested Chapters must complete the Petition for Charter Form and generate a draft of their Student Circle constitution.
- After completing, the interested student(s) or established student organization must return the Petition for Chapter Form and Student Circle constitution to Student Circle Regional Representatives or Membership Committee Co-Chairs for review.
- Student Circle Regional Representatives or Membership Co-Chairs will present the application to the Student Circle Executive Board for approval.
- If the application is approved, the Student Circle will advise the National Board of Directors of their recommendations and request approval for installation.
- If approval is gained Student Circle Regional Representatives shall inform the newly recognized Student Circle Chapter of their status, and connect them with their Professional Regional Representative, to facilitate the planning of a Student Circle Chapter Installation Ceremony.
- Within two weeks of formal chapter installation, newly recognized Student Circle Chapters must present a final copy of their constitution to their Undergraduate and Graduate Regional Representatives.
B. Chapter status is approved and retained by an affirmative vote of a majority (75%) of members present, during a conference of the Executive Board of the Student Circle, and after being approved by the National Board of Directors, is governed in accordance with the following provisions:
- Chapters shall total no less than five (5) persons who have paid dues to The Association.
- Each Student Circle, at the Chapter level, shall have at least one professional advisor who is a member of The Association. An option is to have a representative from a local Professional Chapter as an advisor. This may be a chapter’s sole Advisor or a secondary Advisor to an on-campus Advisor if the campus Advisor is not a member of The Association.
- Chapters shall elect a Chairperson, Chairperson Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Fundraising Chair (Treasurer and fundraiser may be the same person if the chapter decides) on an annual basis (at least).
- All Chapter Members must pay national dues to The Association.
- A Chapter may determine its annual Chapter dues for their members, however said dues are encouraged not to exceed $50.00.
- All Student Circle Chapters must report directly to the National Student Circle Board. Student Circle Chapters are required to submit Chapter Development reports 3 times per year to their Student Circle Graduate and Undergraduate Regional Representatives. Deadlines for submissions are January 30th, September 30th, and May 30th. The Chapter Development report must contain:
- The Chapter’s contact information, including address, phone number, email address, website address.
- Professional and/or on-campus advisors’ name(s) and contact information.
- A list of all Executive Board Members, including their names, phone numbers, mailing addresses, and email addresses.
- A list of all paid Chapter Members.
- A summary of the activities of the chapter for that period, as well as those projected for the next period.
- A Treasurer’s report including a statement of receipts and expenditures, and balance sheets of assets and liabilities of the chapter.
- Student Circle Chapters may be suspended for a minimum of one reporting period due to failure to comply with the Association’s By-Laws or for actions that are deemed to be unbecoming of an ABPsi Student Circle Chapter.
- Student Circle Chapters shall have the power to make their own By-Laws provided such By-Laws shall not conflict with these By-Laws.
- Student Circle Chapters must present an updated copy of their completed constitution and by-laws, to their Undergraduate and Graduate Regional Representatives within 2 weeks of its completion and/or amendment.
- All Student Circle Chapters are required to be knowledgeable of the By-Laws that currently govern The Association.
Section G – Nominations and Elections Committee
The Nominations and Elections Committee shall consist of a chairperson, who shall be the Past-President of the NYABPsi, and the President, with the approval of the Board of Directors shall appoint members of the Association. The Committee shall function in accordance with the provision of Articles I & II of the Bylaws.
Section H – Fund Raising Committee
The Fund Raising Committee shall consist of a chairperson and members of the Association appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. Its function shall be to plan and implement fund raising activities.
Section I – Communications Committee
The Communications Committee shall consist of the Corresponding Secretary, who will serve as Chairperson, and members of the Association appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. Its function shall be to develop a public relations program, including the submission of public information pertaining to the NYABPsi to suitable publications and other news media. Its function shall also include the dissemination of information through the online newsletter of the NYABPsi, Habari Gani, the NYABPsi website, and to assist the Corresponding Secretary with his/her or her duties.
Section A – Initiation of Amendments
Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws many be initiated in any one of the following ways:
- By a majority of members present at a regularly constituted meeting of the NYABPsi, provided that at least twenty-five percent of the members of the Association are present at such meeting.
- By a simple majority action of the Board of Directors.
- By a petition signed by twenty-five percent of the members of the NYABPsi, duly filed with the Recording Secretary of the NYABPsi.
Section B – Adoption of Amendments
Amendments to this Constitution may be adopted in any one of the following ways, the choice of the method of adoption to be made at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
- At the Annual Meeting or a Special Meeting of the members of the NYABPsi, by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided that at least twenty-five percent of the members of the NYABPsi are present at such meeting, and further provided that a copy of the proposed amendment(s) shall have been mailed or e-mailed to each member of the Association at least three weeks prior to the stated time of the Annual Meeting or Special Meeting.
- By a two-thirds vote of the members of the NYABPsi, in a mail or electronic ballot on the proposed amendment(s), provided that at least twenty-five percent of the members of the NYABPsi submit their votes, and further provided that a period of three weeks is permitted for such voting from the date of the mailing of the ballot and a copy of the proposed amendment(s).
Section A
All decisions of the Board of Directors and/or the President are subject to repeal by a simple majority vote of the entire NYABPsi membership.
Section B
The President may act independently of the Board of Directors except where explicitly herein proscribed. His/her decisions may be vetoed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Section A – Relationship to ABPsi Constitution
Nothing in this Constitution and Bylaws of the NYABPsi is intended to be in conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association of Black Psychologists. If such conflicts should arise, the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association of Black Psychologist shall take precedence.
Section B – Ratification
This Constitution and Bylaws shall be submitted to the general membership for ratification at the regular meeting of NYABPsi on June 27add correct date, 1976. Ratification shall be by a simple majority of the votes cast.
Whenever a director or officer has a financial or personal interest in any matter coming before the board of directors, the board shall ensure that:
- The interest of such officer or director is fully disclosed to the board of directors.
- No interested officer or director may vote or lobby on the matter or be counted in determining the existence of a quorum at the meeting of the board of directors at which such matter is voted upon.
- Any transaction in which a director or officer has a financial or personal interest shall be duly approved by members of the board of directors not so interested or connected as being in the best interests of the organization.
- Payments to the interested officer or director shall be reasonable and shall not exceed fair market value.
- The minutes of meetings at which such votes are taken shall record such disclosure, abstention, and rationale for approval.
Section A – Nominations
Nominations for Officers and Members of the Board of Directors of the NYABPsi shall be made by the members of NYABPsi on an appropriate ballot prepared by the Secretary and mailed or e-mailed to the members no later than May 1. A period of two weeks shall be permitted thereafter for the final receipt of the nomination ballots. All nominees and candidates shall be members in good standing of NYABPsi as described in Article VI, Section H of the Bylaws.
Section B – Elections Reporting
- The Immediate Past President, as ex-officio Chairperson of the Committee on Nominations and Elections, shall report the outcome of the Nomination Balloting to the Board of Directors.
- The Board of Directors shall then direct this Chairperson to prepare an Election Ballot, on which shall be listed the one or two highest nominees for each office to be filled, whose willingness to serve and eligibility has previously been ascertained by the Chairperson.
- Candidates for Directors of NYABPsi must indicate a willingness to serve either a one – or two year term of office, which will be assigned by lottery after the tabulation of the election results.
- The Board of Directors shall have the right to designate, if it so desires, one additional nominee for each office for listing on the Election Ballot.
- A candidate may stand for only one position and/or office during any election.
Section C – Election Ballots
- The Chairperson of the Nominations and Elections Committee shall arrange, through the
Corresponding Secretary of the NYABPsi for the mailing or e-mailing of one copy of the final election ballot to each member of the NYABPsi within one week following the action of the Board of Directors on the final ballot, but no later than the second week of June.
- A two-week deadline shall be established for the return of completed election ballots by the members of the NYABPsi.
- In the event of electronic voting, a system will be established to verify that the individual voting is a member in good standing of the NYABPsi.
- Ballots will be counted by two officers of the board who are not standing for election.
- The Corresponding Secretary shall report the results of the tabulation of the election ballots to the Chairperson of the Committee on Nominations and Elections.
- The Nominations and Elections Committee shall assign the terms of office of those candidates for Directors of NYABPsi receiving the largest number by lottery.
- Ballots received after the deadline (postmark or date on e-mail) will not be counted.
- The Chairperson of the Nominations and Elections Committee shall report the results of the tabulations of the election ballots and of the lottery affixing terms of office to the Board of Directors. See section 3 above.
- The Board of Directors shall declare elected to the respective offices those candidates receiving the largest number of votes.
- The President of the NYABPsi shall notify the elected individuals of the fact of their election.
- In the event that the Board of Directors is confronted with a tie vote between or among candidates for any office, it shall, by lot, determine which candidates for the office shall be declared elected.
- Any Director elected as an officer of NYABPsi shall forfeit the former position.
Section A – Replacement Elections
The Nominations of Elections Committee shall hold replacement elections in case of the resignation, impeachment, and/or removal of a Director. All nominees and candidates shall be members in good standing of NYABPsi as describe in Article VI, Section H of the Bylaws.
Section B – Nomination of Board Member Replacement
Nomination for Officers and members of the Board of Directors of NYABPsi shall be made by members of NYABPsi on an appropriate ballot, prepared by the Corresponding Secretary and mailed or e-mailed to the members no later than two weeks after a vacancy has been declared by the Board of Directors.
Section C – Nominations Procedure
- The Immediate Past President, as ex-officio Chairperson of the Committee on Nominations and Elections, shall report the outcome of the Nomination Balloting to the Board of Directors.
- The Board of Directors shall direct this Chairperson to prepare an Election Ballot, on which shall be listed the one or two highest nominees for each office to be filled, whose willingness to serve and eligibility has previously been ascertained by this Chairperson.
- Candidates for Directors of NYABPsi must indicate a willingness to serve either a one- or two-year term of office which will be assigned by lottery after the tabulation of the election results.
- The Board of Directors shall have the right to designate, if it so desires, one additional nominee for each office for listing on the Election Ballot.
- A candidate may stand for only one position and/or office during any election.
Section D – Elections Procedure
- The Chairperson of the Nominations and Elections Committee shall arrange, through the Corresponding Secretary of the NYABPsi, for the mailing or e-mailing of one copy of the final election ballot to each member of the NYABPsi within one week following the action of the Board of Directors on the final ballot and shall establish a two week deadline for the return of completed election ballots by the members of the NYABPsi.
- The results of the tabulation of the election ballots shall be reported by the Corresponding Secretary to the Chairperson of the Committee on Nominations and Elections.
- The Chairperson of the Nominations and Elections Committee shall report the results of the tabulation of the election ballots and of the lottery affixing terms of office to the Board of Directors of NYABPsi.
- The Board of Directors shall declare elected to the respective offices those candidates receiving the largest number of votes, and the President of the NYABPsi shall undertake to notify these elected individuals of the fact of their election.
- The elected candidates shall serve the remaining term of the Director(s) being replaced.
- In the case of two or more vacancies on the Board of Directors, the terms of office shall be assigned by lot.
- The Corresponding Secretary will report results to the membership.
- In the event that the Board of Directors in confronted with a tie vote between or among candidates for any office, it shall, by lot, determine which candidates for the office shall be declared elected.
- Any Director elected as an officer of NYABPsi shall forfeit the former position.
Section A – Replacement Procedures
- In the event of a vacancy caused by a Director’s resignation or removal from the Board of Directors of NYABPsi, the Board of Directors may appoint a new Director to serve out the remainder of the term provided that the remaining term is less than a year.
- If the remaining term created by the vacancy is a year or more, a replacement election, as described in Article II of the Bylaws, must be held in order to fill that Director’s position.
- The appointment shall be made within one month after the Board has declared a vacancy.
Section A – Frequency, Notification and Quorum
- The Board of Directors shall hold a minimum of one regular meeting each month, except during the month of August.
- The dates and place of these meetings shall be established by the Board, which shall require the Corresponding Secretary of the Association to make such dates known to all Board members at least two weeks in advance of each date.
- Quorum: A simple majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the proper business, except where otherwise indicated in the Constitution and Bylaws.
Section B – Special and Emergency Meetings
Special or emergency meetings of the Board may be called at the discretion of the President or by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Section C – Open Meetings and Executive Sessions
The meetings of the Board of Directors, except for executive sessions, shall be open to the general membership. The general membership shall be notified as to the time and place of these meetings. An executive session may be called by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Section D – Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised shall govern the business meetings of the Board of Directors in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution.
A Director who misses two consecutive meetings or a total of three non-consecutive meetings of the Board of Directors NYABPsi without notifying the President in advance by phone, text, mail or e-mail will have his/her term of office terminated.
Meetings may be conducted via conference call. Members may participate in regular meetings via phone provided that the phone connection is clear enough and the speaker is loud enough for members to hear each other. Board members are allowed to vote via e-mail.
Section A – Classes of Membership
There shall be five classes of NYABPsi membership. The classes of membership shall be the following: Life, Emeritus, Member, Associate, and Student. The provisions of this Article in the sections listed below shall govern admission to a membership category.
Section B – Member Qualifications
Members of NYABPsi shall be persons who meet any of the standards below:
- Possession of a certificate as a psychologist granted by the New York State Education Department under the laws of the State of New York.
- Status of Member or Fellow in the Association of Black Psychologists.
- Possession of a doctoral degree in Psychology or its substantial equivalent.
- Possession of a master’s degree or its substantial equivalent plus at least one year of acceptable professional experience in psychology.
Members shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of full participation in the affairs of the organization.
Section C – Associate Member Qualifications
Associates of NYABPsi shall be persons who are, at the time of application, actively engaged in the field of psychology or allied fields and/or who meet any one of the standards below:
- Completion of at least two years of full-time graduate study in psychology or substantial equivalent in a graduate school.
- Membership status in professional organizations or allied fields.
- Community participation of a quality and kind that is consistent with the purposes of the organization.
Associates shall not be eligible to run for the office of the President of NYABPsi but shall be entitled to all other rights and privileges accorded to members.
Section D – Student Member Qualifications
Students of the Association shall be persons who at the time of application, are actively engaged in a course of study in psychology and/or allied behavioral sciences. Proof of current status will be provided, in the form of a copy of a current ID card.
Section E – High School Student Qualifications
Any high school student currently enrolled in a New York state school. Proof of current status will be provided, in the form of a copy of a current ID card.
Section F – Emeritus Membership Qualifications
Any Member of Associate who has been in good standing of NYABPsi and who has reached the age of sixty-five years and/or the time of professional retirement, and/or has been an active member for twenty-five years, shall be exempt from further dues and assessments upon his/her written request to the Corresponding Secretary of the Association, and shall retain all the rights and privileges of his/her membership status thereafter. Such individuals shall be designated Emeritus Member. An active member is a member who has maintained her/his dues at least 90% of the tenure of her/his membership, and has served on the Board and/or a committee ½ of the time being considered.
Section G – Life Member Qualifications
Any Member or Associate Member who has paid the Life Member dues.
Section H – Exceptions
In exceptional cases, as determined by the Board of Directors, the status of Member, Associate, or Student in Association may be granted to persons not possessing the qualifications stated in Section B through Section D of this Article, but deemed significantly qualified in other respects, provided that the Board of Directors so approves by a two-thirds vote.
Section F – Application for Membership
Application for the initial status of Member, Associate, or Student of the Association shall be made and dealt with in accordance with the Bylaws and regulations and rules and procedures approved by the Board of Directors.
Section G – Maintaining Membership Following a Move from New York
Any Member, Associate, or Student of NYABPsi who leaves the New York metropolitan area in residence or employment may retain his/her membership status in the Association by continuing to pay his/her dues and assessments.
Section H – Membership Dues
Annual membership dues shall be levied in each membership category as determined by the Board of Directors.
Section I – Definition of Member in Good Standing
Any Member, Associate, or Student of the NYABPsi who has not paid his/her stated dues and assessments within three months of the deadline shall no longer be considered to be in good standing, and shall have his/her name removed from the membership list of the Association by the Recording Secretary. Such an individual may be reinstated to the his/her former status as member of the NYABPsi, by resubmitting his her application to the Membership Committee.
Section J – Termination of Membership
- The membership of any individual may be terminated by a two-thirds vote of the full membership of the Board of Directors, upon the presentation of evidence and recommendations of an Ad Hoc Professional Ethics and Standards Committee that the individual has conducted himself in his/her professional activities in a manner considered to be detrimental to the welfare of the public or of the profession and of the Association. In such cases, NYABPsi will follow The Ethical Standards of the Association of Black Psychologists.
- Any individual so charged before the Board of Directors shall be informed of the charges prior to any formal action taken by the Board of Directors’ and, on his/her request shall be afforded the opportunity to appear at a hearing before the Board in his/her own defense.
- If an individual is, by this procedure, is dropped from the membership of the NYABPsi, the Corresponding Secretary shall communicate such information to the members of the NYABPsi, noting only the name of the individual involved, his/her former membership status, and the particular numbered section(s) of the Association of Black Psychologists Ethical Standards violated.
Section A
The Program Committee, with the approval of the Board of Directors shall arrange general membership meetings. At least four membership meetings shall be scheduled each operational year.
Section B
Meetings of the membership of the NYABPsi between general meetings may be arranged by the Program Committee with the approval of the Board of Directors. Special membership meetings may be held on the call of the President or the Board of Directors or upon the petition of twenty-five percent of the members of the NYABPsi in good standing presented to the Secretary of the Association.
Notice of special meetings shall be mailed or e-mailed to the membership at least two week in advance of their respective stated dates and shall include a statement of the business for which each meeting is being held.
Section C – Membership Meeting Quorum
For the transaction of business at any of the meetings noted in Sections A, C, and D of this Article, a quorum shall consist of at least twenty-five percent of the members of the NYABPsi.
Section D – Annual Meeting
The Board of Directors shall schedule an Annual Meeting of the members of the Association, for the transaction of business (President’s report, treasurer’s report and audit, membership chairperson’s report, and proposed program for the forthcoming year) and for other purposes related to the status of the NYABPsi. The program for such an Annual Meeting shall be developed by the Program Planning and Development Committee, with the approval of the Board of Directors.
The operational year of NYABPsi for the purposes of the membership/dues shall be from January 1st through December 31st. The operational year of the NYABPsi for purposes of terms of office and fiscal year is from September 1st through August 31st.
Section A
- The Treasurer shall submit monthly to the Board of Directors an itemized financial statement of the receipts and expenditures incurred in connection with the administration of his/her office.
- The Board will arrange for an audit of the annual statement and the basic financial records, and other audits as needed.
- The Board shall, after its review of this statement, arrange for its presentation, along with such recommendations as it may wish to make to the members.
Section B – Audit
The Board of Directors shall initiate an annual audit by a certified public accountant. The results of the audit will be presented to the membership at the Annual Meeting.
Section C – Budget
- It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to develop and submit to the Board of Directors a budget for the upcoming year.
- The Board shall review this budget and, make such revisions as it may wish.
- The budget, among other matters, will include recommendations for dues and assessments for the upcoming year.
Section D – Appropriation of Funds for Committee Work
- Requests for monies for committee work shall be submitted in writing by the committee chairman and presented at a Board of Directors meeting preceding the proposed expenditures on the approved form.
- Appropriation of funds for committee work shall and/or the approval of the President.
- The Association shall not be liable for expenses or costs incurred by any member that have not been approved in advance by the Board of Directors or the President.
4. Appropriations for reimbursements shall require the approval of a simple majority of the Board of Directors and/or the approval of the President. Reimbursements shall not be made without bona fide receipts or other valid documentation.
Section E – Emergency Appropriations
The President shall be authorized to approve emergency appropriations not to exceed $150.00 per allocation.
NYABPsi policy statements or positions may be adopted in any one of the following ways, the choice of the method of adoption to be made at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
- By a majority (if the policy ballots returned) vote of the members of NYABPsi, in a mail referendum on the proposed policy. The referendum shall be conducted as follows:
- The policy proposal shall be submitted to the Legislature and Social Action Committee containing,
- A brief synopsis of the issue and its impact on the Black community.
- The Member’s recommendation regarding the policy is an indication of the availability of the member to provide information and input on the issue.
- The policy proposal shall be submitted to the Legislature and Social Action Committee containing,
- The Legislative and Social Action Committee shall screen and summarize the policy proposal and distribute a written copy to each Director of NYABPsi.
- The Board of Directors shall deliberate and make recommendations to the membership about the policy proposal.
- The Legislative and Social Action Committee shall prepare copies of the Board proceedings and a policy ballot, which shall be mailed or e-mailed to each member of NYABPsi.
- The Legislative and Social Action committee shall received and tabulate policy ballots and submit the results to the Secretary.
- The Board of Directors shall validate the results and authorize the Communications Committee to disseminate the policy position and associated information.
- By a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors, provided that a copy of the proposed policy shall have been submitted to each Director and further provided that a two-thirds majority of the Board deems immediate action necessary.
Amendments to the Bylaws may be adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors at a regular meeting, provided that a copy of the proposed amendment(s) shall have been submitted to each Director at least two weeks prior to the regular meeting.
In case of the dissolution of this organization, after providing for the debts and obligations of the organization, the remaining assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.