Adwoa Akhu, Ph.D.
New Rochelle, NY
[email protected]
Specializations: Self-esteem, surviving abuse, relationship problems, spirituality, depression, workplace issues, anxiety, fear and stress, gay and lesbian issues, infertility or adoption, life coaching, sports psychology, and sickle cell.
Tamara Buckley, Ph.D.
Mid-town Manhattan
No insurance, Sliding Scale
Specialization: Identity, race, gender, life transitions, adults, adolescents, and family.
Nathilee Caldeira, Ph.D.
Let’s Talk Psychological Wellness, P.C.
920 Broadway, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10010
[email protected]
Jamila Codrington, Ph.D.
Brooklyn, NY
[email protected]
Specializations: Children, adolescents, and families; adults/couples; depression; trauma & anxiety; race-related stress; educational advocacy, sickle cell; expressive/creative therapies, holistic health & wellness
Thomas O. Edwards, Ph.D.
Jamaica, NY
[email protected]
Specializations: Family, Adolescent, Educational
Stanford Griffith, Ph.D.
166-05 Highland Ave. Suite L1, Jamaica, N.Y. 11432
Specializations: Adult, Individual, Couples and Family therapy.
Cicely Horsham-Brathwaite, Ph.D.
Brathwaite Psychological Consulting, PLLC.
Phone: 516-647-1712
[email protected]
Specializations: psychotherapy for busy professionals, stress management, executive and career coaching, career assessment and organizational consulting.
Location: Online, NYC and Long Island
N’Jeri Mitchell, Ph.D.
[email protected]
Alexandra McGlashan, Ph.D.
[email protected]
Specializations: Children and Adolescents
Hammad S. N’cho, Ph.D.
Out of Network in New York
Specializations: Childhood and adult trauma exposure, PTSD, depression, anxiety, impaired self-worth and relationship/interpersonal challenges. As a culturally-responsive psychologist, Dr. N’cho also focuses on the critical role that individual identity (such as racial, ethnic, gender identity, or sexual identity) can play in overall well-being.
Sandra Negron, Ph.D.
[email protected]
Lisa Orbe-Austin, Ph.D. (917-653 -6517)
Richard Orbe-Austin, Ph.D. (917-687-9620)
Dynamic Transitions Psychological Consulting, LLP
276 Fifth Avenue, Suite 307A New York, NY 10001
Sliding Scale
Specializations: Individual and couple psychotherapy, executive coaching, career counseling and assessment, and organizational consulting.
Adjoa Osei, Psy.D.
231 Front Street
Brooklyn, New York 11201
(516) 858-2286
Specializations:LGBTQI, trauma, depression, and anxiety.
Insurance, sliding scale
Lesia Ruglass, Ph.D.
[email protected]
Kirkland C. Vaughans, Ph.D.
[email protected]
Specializations: Child, Adolescent, Group Treatment, and Trauma