NYABPsi Board of Directors

Interim President
Marcus Daugherty, LMHC
Mr. Daugherty is a licensed and credentialed mental health and substance abuse professional with over 30 years of human service experience. As a clinician he has worked in both outpatient and residential settings with diverse populations including individuals impacted by homelessness, and/or individuals experiencing co-occurring disorders, severe and persistent mental health challenges, and substance use disorders. Mr. Daugherty maintains a small private practice specializing in addictions, relationships, gender, and multicultural issues.
Academically, Mr. Daugherty has taught courses in psychology and sociology at the undergraduate level, presented at conferences, and provided training workshops and seminars on mental health, substance abuse, multiculturalism, and diversity issues.
As an administrator, Mr. Daugherty has directed or overseen the delivery of social services in mobile homeless outreach, shelter, drop-in, residential and outpatient programs.
Mr. Daugherty holds Master’s Degrees in both counseling and clinical psychology from the State University of New York, College at New Paltz, and the Fielding Graduate University respectively. He is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC), a Master Credentialed Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counselor (CASAC-MC), a National Certified Counselor (NCC), an Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS), and a Master Addiction Counselor (MAC).

Immediate Past President
Dana L. Collins, Ph.D.
I am a licensed counseling psychologist committed to the empowerment of marginalized individuals and communities, promoting social and racial justice, raising awareness about mental health and reducing stigma, addressing trauma, and healing through alternative methods. I have provided direct mental health services to youths, adults, and families, and particularly enjoy working with youths of Color. I have also conducted, presented, and published research on a wide range of topics related to race, including racial identity development, and the ways people understand and discuss race. I’m originally from Oakland, CA, and received my B.A. in psychology from Spelman College, my M.S. in counseling and counselor education from Indiana University, and my PhD in counseling psychology from Boston College. I recently relocated to New York and work with adults who face mental health barriers to employment. Before being elected as President, I served as President-elect for the New York chapter of the Association of Black Psychologists.It is truly an honor, privilege and gift to serve and lead, and I’m excited about the ways that NYABPsi will continue to grow and inspire our communities.

Lorie Nicholas, Ph.D.
Dr. Nicholas has served in the field as a Clinical Psychologist for over twenty-five years. Dr. Nicholas also serves as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Law & Police Science and Criminal Justice Administration at John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY). She holds a doctorate in Clinical-Community Psychology. She served as NYABPsi’s Treasurer during the 2019-2020 term.

Recording Secretary
Krisa Lofton, MBA, MPH, Ph.D.
I am a clinician, advocate, and a proud daughter, sister, and friend. My research is focused on the analysis and promotion of Hip-Hop therapy as an innovative and effective intervention used to bridge cultural gaps and increase the likelihood of treatment among youth of color with the following as primary areas of focus: (1) the effects of Eurocentric practices in the treatment of persons of color, (2) the history and incorporation of multicultural theories in treatment and (3) the development and incorporation of culturally congruent forms of psychotherapy. I have been a member of ABPsi throughout my graduate school tenure and served on the Addressing the Needs of Our Incarcerated Family committee. I

Corresponding Secretary
Shana Mapsee, Ph.D
I am currently a Program Director working with mentally ill people and have been working with this population for over 12 years. My goal is to continue to serve the mentally ill population alongside their families to ensure that their relationships are strong and provide some sign into their struggles of symptoms and managing from the lens of the mentally ill person.
Nadege Apoleon, PhD![]() Dr. Apoleon obtained her undergraduate degree in Public Health and International Affairs from Rutgers University. She went on to obtain a master’s degree in Public Health from Boston University. Dr. Apoleon received her doctorate in clinical psychology from Nova Southeastern University. She currently works as a psychologist for one of the federal agencies of the Justice Department. Her training and interests in psychology are in the fields of forensic and correctional psychology, neuropsychology, addiction (food, substance and gambling), and health psychology. She provides individual and group services. Aside from her aforementioned interests, Dr. Apoleon volunteers her time working with youth programs in her community. She also works with religious and community organizations providing services to members of the Haitian community. Dr. Apoleon is fluent in Creole and has working knowledge of French. |
Jamila Codrington, PhD![]() Dr. Jamila Codrington is a New York state-licensed psychologist specializing in children, adolescents, and families. She is the founder and CEO of Asili Services, Inc., designed to provide holistic and consultation services and empower communities of African descent by raising awareness of mental health, education, and social justice issues. For over 15 years, Dr. Codrington has served as the Supervising Psychologist at Astor Services for Children and Families. She is also an Adjunct Professor at New York Theological Seminary. Dr. Codrington is a Past President of the New York Association of Black Psychologists and has served on the Board of Directors for 13 years, chairing the Legislative and Social Action Committee. She was awarded the 2010-2011 distinguished Bobby E. Wright Award by the Association of Black Psychologists for her exemplary commitment to community service and empowerment. Dr. Codrington earned her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology at the University of Maryland at College Park and has published in professional journals including the Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, Dreaming, and Cultural Studies of Science Education, as well as a book chapter in Helping Beyond the 50-Minute Hour: Therapists Involved in Meaningful Social Action. Dr. Codrington has served on the Association of Black Psychologists’ Public Policy Committee and co-authored the Association’s position paper on Special Education and the Mis-education of African American Children. |
Denise Hinds-Zaami, Exec. Ed.D![]() I grew up in the housing projects of Brooklyn, New York, and have stayed in Texas, Atlanta, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Brazil, and Morocco. I’ve traveled to countries on every continent, including Antarctica. My educational background: BA in Psychology from the City College of New York: MS in Social Work from Columbia University; MA in Psychology from The University of Texas at Austin; Doctorate in Education (Exec. Ed.D.) from Seton Hall University (NJ). I attended the Instituto Joaquim Nabuco in Recife, Brazil.Much of my life’s work has been as a psychologist, a counselor, a psychotherapist, a social work supervisor, a mental health coordinator and director, an advocate, and an educator teaching preschool through university levels in New York and beyond. I worked most recently as a Psychologist for New York State. My electronic poster presentation at the July 2012 Convention of The International Congress of Psychologists, in South Africa, was entitled “Psychological Constructs of Healing and Survival from Africa and Its Diaspora”, under the category “Psychology Serving Humanity”. |
Roderick Hurley (Graduate Student Member-at-Large)![]() Roderick Hurley is a doctoral student in Critical Social/Personality Psychology at The Graduate Center, CUNY. His research investigates the role of music in personal development and community building. He has served as graduate student board member for the past three years, having joined NYABPsi as an undergraduate at Medgar Evers College. Rod currently serves on the communications committee and led our recent website upgrade project. |
Hollie Jones, PhD![]() Hollie L. Jones., Ph.D. is a social psychologist and black identity researcher with over 20 years of research and applied experience in the public and private sector. She is passionate about understanding black identity development, intersectionality, and health disparities. She has authored journal articles and several book chapters on these topics. Hollie graduated from Goucher College with a BA in psychology. She also has a MA in psychology from Hunter College, City University of New York, and a Ph.D. in psychology from CUNY. She completed postdoctoral studies at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine before joining the faculty at Medgar Evers College, City University of New York. In 2017 she became Dean of Academic Affairs at Medgar Evers College. As faculty, Dr. Jones teaches a variety of undergraduate Psychology courses including Adolescent Development, Qualitative Research Methods, Psychology of the African Diaspora, and Experimental Psychology. Hollie lives in Brooklyn, NY with her husband and daughter. |
Maudry-Beverly Lashley, PhD![]() Maudry-Beverley Lashley is a tenured Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychology at Medgar Evers College (CUNY). She is a clinical/developmental psychologist whose research and clinical skills are based on a research/practitioner model. She earned a doctorate from Howard University, Washington DC, and obtained both her Masters and Bachelor’s from Hunter College, (CUNY). She has worked in the areas of substance abuse, juvenile offenders, and clients/ patients who have suffered from a variety of mental health challenges, domestic violence. She has published in several peer-reviewed journals, popular magazines, and two book chapters, and has presented at several conferences both in the US and in the Caribbean. Her areas of research include examining a variety of issues pertaining to family, particularly child care issues, family rituals affecting the Black community, ways in which single mothers are resilient in the face of personal and social stress, and cardiovascular issues. |
Gloria Scott |
Jeanette Toledo![]() Jeanette Toledo is a graduate of the John Jay College of Institute for Justice and Opportunity – The Navigator Certificate in Human Services and Community obtaining a Peer Navigator Certificate. Jeanette Toledo received a 4-year scholarship from the St. Francis College Post Prison Program striving to obtain a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and Minor in Psychology, expected May 2023. Jeanette Toledo is the President of the International Cultural Club, the Post Prison Program Representative, and the Mental Health Peer Advocate as part of the Student Leadership Team. Jeanette Toledo was accepted to the Bronx Community College Certified Recovery Peer Advocate (CRPA) Training Program to work in the addiction/recovery/behavioral health field by becoming CRPA credentialed. Jeanette Toledo is the Chairperson of the New York City Peer Workforce Coalition. Jeanette Toledo is an Executive Board Committee Member for the NYC Justice Peer Initiative. Sheestablished support circles and professional networks focused on justice peers, creating a guidebook on “How to develop your own Justice Peer Support Group”, but the guide will be applicable for the entire peer support community. Jeanette Toledo graduated from Howie the Harp Advocacy Peer Training Program as a Certified Peer Specialist. As a Peer Intern with Cases in the NewStart Program, a short-term alternative to incarceration, her goal was to reduce individual’s criminal involvement and educate them to begin to work towards recovery and wellness. |
Lisa Whitten, PhD![]() Dr. Whitten earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the Derner School of Psychology at Adelphi University in 1982. She has been active in the Association of Black Psychologists for over 35 years, serving five terms as President of the New York chapter. She is currently co-chair of the national Ethics Committee. In 2009, she was honored by the organization with the Distinguished Psychologist Award for her scholarship, and her service, which focused on engaging and empowering student members.Since 1986, Dr. Whitten has been a faculty member in the Psychology Department at the State University of New York, College at Old Westbury since 1986. For nine years, she developed programs designed to reduce the stigma of disability as Director of the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities. Her scholarly work focuses on bringing race and culture to the center of the psychology curriculum, the challenges of teaching about race, and on survival guilt in African American college students. Dr. Whitten has consulted with numerous colleges and medical schools on the role of culture in health care, teaching about diversity, and enhancing the success of African American and Latinx medical students. |
Phillip Williams-Cooke, CRPA-P, NYCPS-P![]() I’m a New YorkState-certified Recovery Peer Advocate and Peer Specialist (both provisional) with over 12 years of experience as a peer support worker and advocate. I have been volunteering for various local and statewide mental health and substance use recovery agencies and organizations since March 2009. I currently am a member of and a Social Enterprise employee at Fountain House Manhattan as a peer specialist, facilitating groups as a part of the Peer Warm Line. I also serve as a volunteer for the Access To Recovery Coalition (an advisory board to NYS Office of Mental Health regarding changed to the Health and Recovery Plan system) and The Friendship Project (pairing peer specialists with other peers in the community to provide support). I’m also a writer, an entrepreneur, a public speaker, and a substitute teacher with the NYC Public School system. Through all my work, my ultimate goal is to be the very best I can be as an example of hope and success to my community and the world |
The NYABPsi Board generally meets on the last weekend of each month. The meetings usually take place in person but are temporarily being held via Zoom teleconference. Board members are required to join or chair at least one committee (e.g., Program Development Committee, Legislative and Social Action Committee, Membership Committee, etc.). The committees work primarily through teleconferences and electronic communication. All Board members must be active (paid membership on both the local and national level) during their term of service. Candidates for election for a Board position must also be a paid member at the time of nomination. The information below on Board member responsibilities is taken from our NYABPsi Bylaws.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The Board of Directors of the NYABPsi shall be the administrative and executive body of the Association and shall exercise general supervision and control over the property, business and other affairs of the NYABPsi. All Directors of the NYABPsi shall be members in good standing of NYABPsi. The Board of Directors of NYABPsi shall consist of the President, the President-Elect, the Immediate Past President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer, as officers of the NYABPsi, and of 10 members-at-large of NYABPsi, elected by the members of the NYABPsi.
OFFICERS: The officers of NYABPsi shall be a President, a President Elect, the Immediate Past-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. All officers of the NYABPsi shall be members in good standing of the NYABPsi. The terms of the office of the President, President-Elect, and Immediate Past-President shall be one year. The terms of the office of the Secretary and Treasurer shall be two years.
Officer Duties
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the NYABPsi and of the Board of Directors, to countersign all contracts and other instruments affecting the affairs f the Association, and to exercise general supervision over the affairs of the NYABPsi. She/he shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the NYABPsi. The President only shall undertake or assume the authority to act as a representative of NYABPsi, except upon authorization of the Board of Directors of the NYABPsi. The President position is a one year term. Presidential tenure shall be limited to two consecutive terms of office.
It shall be the duty of the President-Elect to assume and perform the duties of the President in the event of the absence or incapacity or resignation of the President. The President-Elect position is a one year term.
It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the NYABPsi to keep the records of all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors, and to keep records of all other official documents and reports of the NYABPsi. In the event of the extended absence, incapacity or resignation of the Treasurer of the Association, the Secretary is authorized to sign checks or drafts upon the funds of the Association and to perform such other duties incident to the office of the Treasurer, until such time as a successor to the Treasurer shall be selected. The Secretary will also manage, in collaboration with the President (the official correspondence of the Association), calls for and notices of meetings and all correspondence related to NYABPsi.
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to have custody of the funds of the NYABPsi. These funds shall be deposited in the name of the Association at such bank or banks as the Board of Directors of the NYABPsi shall direct. The Treasurer shall arrange for the collection of dues and other monies due to the NYABPsi and shall have authority to sign checks and drafts on behalf of the NYABPsi, upon authorization of the President, as provided for in this Constitution and By-Laws and by action of the Board of Directors of members of the NYABPsi in proper meeting. He/she shall have such additional duties as are described in Article IX of the By-Laws.
Members-at-large are regular members of the Board of Directors, who do not hold one of the aforementioned officer positions. There are 2 Graduate Student and 2 Undergraduate Student positions included within this position.