News and Announcements

  • Parents and other caregivers have unique needs and stressors in this COVID-19 pandemic. Learning to balance working from home, facilitating remote learning for their children, supporting the emotional well-being of family members during this crisis, and maintaining financial stability are among the most common. NYABPsi salutes those parents and caregivers
  • The New York Association of Black Psychologists (NYABPsi) stands in solidarity with our community during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. We know these times are challenging. As we all deal with the emotional and psychological impact, we remember that we are much stronger together than we are in isolation. We also
  • NYABPsi celebrated Black History Month by partnering with Dr. Lisa Orbe- Austin and Dr. Richard Orbe-Austin for learning, discussion, and fellowship surrounding imposter syndrome in the Black community, and what we can do to overcome it. The event was a great success, and we want to extend a special thank