Empowering the Black Mind: A Conversation on How We Navigate White Fragility

Join NYABPsi in a community conversation on White fragility, how it impacts us, and acknowledging and accepting our feelings and reactions as we face it. Our conversation, facilitated by NYABPsi Past President Tanya White-Davis, PsyD, will allow us to come together to talk about ways to liberate ourselves towards emotional equity, […]


Part 2 – Empowering the Black Mind: A Conversation on How We Navigate White Fragility

Due to the liveliness of the conversation and your requests to continue it, NYABPsi will be holding space for Part 2 of Empowering the Black Mind: A Conversation on How We Navigate White Fragility! Past NYABPsi President Tanya White- Davis, PsyD, will return to facilitate our discussion, and will be joined by co-facilitator […]


Policing in Black Communities:Making it Work for Us!

#WeAreDoneDying Join us for an interdisciplinary panel addressing the history of policing in Black communities, its psychological impact, and systemic and community-based efforts towards reform and healing from racial trauma. In the spirit of Kwanzaa and the principles of Umoja (Unity) and Kujichagulia (Self-Determination), we recognize that we MUST come […]
